Tuesday 7 April 2015


The 1st International Bamboo Maestro Malaysia 2015 in the month of May. This huge event organized by the Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB) and Bamboo Jungle Adventures will take place in two locations, Kuala Lumpur and Sungai Siput Perak, Malaysia. This program mainly focuses on implementation of bamboo in construction industry, including the architectural and engineering aspects involved. Credible international guest speakers are invited to impart their knowledge, just to name a few;Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Widjaja (Bamboo Taxonomist, Indonesia), Vo Trong Nghia (Founder of Vo Trong Nghia Architects, Vietnam), Mark Emery (Founder of Bambooroo, Australia/Thailand) and Ir. Ahmad Mazlan Othman (Consultant Engineer of Ihsan Team Consultants, Malaysia). There will be three sub-events during the three weeks:

i) 1st International Seminar - Bamboo in Construction
   Date: Sat, May 9th 2015
   Venue: Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur
   Fee: USD240(Normal) USD140(Student)
   Contents: Bamboo Anatomy & Species Familiarization, Architectural Design Concept, Modern Bamboo Construction.
   Event concept: Theoretical and discussion-based

ii) 1st International Bamboo Maestro Camp
    Date: May 11th - 15th 2015
    Venue: Sungai Siput, Perak
    Fee: USD680
    Contents: Roles of Bamboo in Green Construction, Architectural & Structural Concepts in Modern Bamboo Constructions, Discussions on regional bamboo-based development, Hands-on workshops, visits to local attractions in the state of Perak, Malaysia.
    Event concept: Theoretical and hands-on

iii) “Pandai Buluh” Bamboo Masterskill Camp
     Date: May 18th – 29th 2015
     Venue: Sungai Siput, Perak
     Fee: USD624
     Contents: Bamboo species familiarization and harvesting technique, bamboo treatment, bamboo carpentry workshops, scale model making, construction of medium-sized bamboo structure, furniture designs.
    Event concept: Basic theoretical and more on hands-on  
 *Event posters are as attached. Enquire us for brochures and registration forms.

Since the objective of this program is to discuss the possibility of using bamboo as a material for green construction and encouraging bamboo networking among global industry players, we are offering 10% discount for early bird registrations (extended due date: 12th April 2015) and additional 10% off for group participation of minimum 5 pax. Online registration is also available through our official website:


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